WASH Delivers Medical supplies and Clean Water in Guatemala:
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WASH Begins Collaborative Clean Water Project in Guatemala:
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Del Monte Fresh Produce N.A., Inc. Lawsuit:
In 2016, Water And Sanitation Health (W.A.S.H.) filed a lawsuit against Del Monte Fresh Produce N.A., Inc. For Seattle's King5 News coverage click:
Chiquita Lawsuit:
In 2013, W.A.S.H. filed a lawsuit against Chiquita Banana. The law suit includes violations of Washington's Consumer Protection Act, Negligent Misrepresentation, and Breach of Express Warranty. Facts of the case include contamination of drinking water sources, pollution, and the murder of Miguel Ángel Ramírez Enríquez. The full complaint can be accessed here. For Seattle's KOMO News exclusive coverage click here.
Dole Law Suit:
In 2011, Water And Sanitation Health (W.A.S.H.) filed a lawsuit against Dole Banana. The law suit included violations of Washington’s Consumer Protection Act, Negligent Misrepresentation, and Breach of Express Warranty. The complaint focused on the contamination of drinking water sources, the flooding of homes, and destruction of wetlands.
In July 31, 2012, the Federal Judge for the Western District of Washington denied Dole’s motion to dismiss the case.
W.A.S.H.’s goal was to get clean water to the communities. So on October 2, 2012, W.A.S.H. sent a settlement proposal to Dole Banana for the implementation of a clean water project in the effected area.
A few weeks after sending the settlement proposal, the Director of W.A.S.H., Eric J. Harrison, asked Dole if they’d like to go on a joint trip to Guatemala to assess the situation. Two weeks before Christmas, Eric met with various representatives of Dole in Guatemala.
A settlement was reached a few weeks later to implement the clean water project as initially proposed by W.A.S.H. Clean water will be arriving to the communities in Guatemala later this year.
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